I go shopping A LOT and my boyfriend moans at me all the time but when I show him my receipts he can't believe I managed to buy (in his own words) "all this shite" for a tenner. The more often you browse the more bargains you'll find. You don't even need to leave your house to do this! It's all online peeoopplle...well some of it. So here's some must haves I've bought this month.
I loooove candles. I have loads of them but I like very specific smells. Ginger and cinnamon are my favourite smells when it comes to candles. They make my flat smell all homely. But weirdly it's really hard to find candles of these smells on the cheap that aren't Christmas themed. At Yankee I managed to get a really big Christmas candle for £18 in the sale but that's still a bit steep in my eyes. But Primark have brought out a new candle range, some of which have up to 40 hours burning time and they're only £3. SOLD! The Ginger and Oriental spice one is out of this world! I bought 2!
Another little treat I got myself whilst I was raiding Primark's candles was their £1 Rose Mauve lipstick. It's the perfect shade of purple/pink. It's not too dark and not too light and it's £1 :o
Superdrug Sale
Superdrug have got all their Christmas stock on sale including gift sets, sweets and more. They also have a clearance section in every store of old stock that needs cleared to make wake for new stock. Clearance stock is usually on a bottom shelf hidden away at the back of the store somewhere but it's worth the hunt. I got Loreal Sublime Bronze Exfotonic Body Polishing Gel for 80p and Loreal Body Oil Spray for £85p! There's not much left on there online sale so you're best going to your nearest store.
Gina xo